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Clinical Pilates

Niche Physio & Pilates

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Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility. It involves precise moves, specific breathing techniques and mind-body movement. It was developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates – an anatomist and mechanical genius, after whom it was named.

Doing Pilates with a Physiotherapist can target your rehabilitation goals and build more activity and movement into your lifestyle. Chronic health conditions are on the rise in society in line with the rise of obesity, poor sleep patterns and low mood. Often those affected by these conditions find it difficult to exercise due to reduced confidence, pain levels and fear of ‘making things worse’ which can often in turn, worsen your condition.

This is an aspect that can be changed with research-based advice and starting a program in a safe and paced way. Our aim is for you to become independent and committed to ongoing self-maintenance. What we offer is unique in its combination of both exercise rehabilitation services with medical and injury knowledge, hence optimising your outcomes.

To attend classes, you are required to bring socks and a towel for grip and hygiene. Wearing clothes that are comfortable and that you can move in is also recommended, such as exercise gear.

Two main types of Pilates are offered at Niche:

niche clinical pilates perth
NDIS Physio Provider Perth Niche Physiotherapy


$77 casual or $67 with a class pack

Clinical Pilates classes at Niche are run in small groups with a maximum of 3 participants with one Physiotherapist for 50 minutes.

An initial assessment is carried out with your particular needs and concerns in mind. We then create a program that aligns with your goals for rehabilitation and improving your condition.

We will help you to understand your condition and develop a program that can be done at home. By using the Pilates equipment in a supervised session, you will be able to recruit, retrain, move, and strengthen the muscles in the areas that you need it most.

We guide you with your individualised program as you build confidence. Thus, working towards being able to do the things you enjoy and, complement existing exercise with more mindful movement.

These sessions are a tailored program and specific to you, the individual. It can include things such as post operative rehab, chronic back pain, postnatal etc, or can simply be if you prefer more attention to detail.

These sessions are claimable from your health fund!


$46 casual or $41 with a class pack

Our Reformer Pilates classes at Niche are run in small groups with a maximum of 6 participants with one Physiotherapist for 50 minutes.

The Reformer classes are usually recommended after Clinical Pilates sessions, or, if you are already familiar with using Pilates equipment. You must not be too injured for these classes. They are seen more as fitness or maintenance classes and are good to maintain or further progress your goals from clinical sessions in both a cost-effective and fun environment.

There is variation of exercises week to week, but with only 6 participants, you still have close supervision and guidance. Everyone runs through the same routine, so they aren’t as individualised as our clinical classes. These classes are aimed at challenging even the fittest individual mentally and physically.

These sessions are claimable with your health fund!

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Book Reformer Pilates 6:1

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